Monday, February 28, 2011

Grayhart's 2500 Storm Wolves

So are you ready to see the storm wolves? 2500 points of power armor horde? Me to!There she is in all her glory. Do armies get a feminine pronoun? For now I say yes, and this lady is ready to kick some butt. I'll give you the list, and in the breakdown. No more delay.

Storm Wolves 2500


The Gunslinger (Wolf Priest) Wolf tail 105

The Mighty Tempest (Rune Priest) master of the runes, Tempest/living lightning 150

Irnest the Wise (Rune Priest) Wolf tooth necklace, living lightning/jaws of the world Wolf 110

Villam The Black (Rune Priest) jaws of the world Wolf/Tempest 100


Wolf guard pack (10)MotW/combimelta (1) power fists/bolt pistol (5) thunder hammers (2) Termi/cyclone missile launcher (2)440

Wolf Scout pack (5)MotW, melta 100 (WG with thunder Hammer)

Wolf Scout pack (5)MotW, melta 100 (WG with thunder Hammer)


Blood Claw Pack (15) 225 (WG with power fist, The Gunslinger )

Gray Hunter Pack (10)MotW, Wolf standard, meltaguns (2) 180 (WG with MotW, Irnest)

Gray Hunter Pack (10)MotW, Wolf standard, meltaguns (2) 180 (WG with PF, Villam)

Gray Hunter Pack (10)MotW, Wolf standard, plasmaguns (two) 185 (WG with PF, Tempest)

Gray Hunter Pack (10)MotW, Wolf standard, plasmaguns (two) 185 (WG with PF)

Gray Hunter Pack (10)MotW, Wolf standard, plasmaguns (two) 185 (WG with PF)


Long Fang Pack (5) missile launcher (3) lascannon (1) 130 (WG termi, cyclone)

Long Fang Pack (5) plasma cannon (2) heavy Bolter (2) 125 (WG termi, cyclone)

Villam the Black, and Gray Hunters
OK, here's a breakdown. Each Rune Priest gets a pack of Gray Hunter's. The Wolf Priest gets the blood claws. The Wolf guard got split out to lead each of the 10 packs. That's right-10 packs, each of them strong.
Irnest the Wise, and Gray Hunters
So I like to start with my scouts and their thunder Hammer Wolf guards in reserve. I also reserve one or two Gray Wolf packs , depending on the opponent. There are few pleasures as peer as running my wolf scouts "behind enemy lines". If you haven't played with the wolf scouts yet I highly recommend it. With thunder Hammer each unit totals at 143 points, and always pays dividends.
The Mighty Tempest, and Gray Hunters
My standard deployment starts with my blood claws in the middle, flanked by long fangs. Long fangs are in turn flanked by my two Rune priests with the PP Tempest (Villam and Tempest) and their attending Gray Hunter's. I then generally run Irnest up a flank with his Gray Hunter's.
The Gunslinger, and his Blood Claws

Whenever possible I allow my enemy to come to me. My optimum range for firing is 24 inches. Within that range due to my room priests it is difficult and dangerous terrain for jump of country, jet bikes and skimmers(tempests fury PP). If I am forced to take it to them they will have 99 space wolves running up the field.
Storm Wolves 2500, almost painted!
In my humble opinionthe best part of this Army is that your Force organization chart troops choices are filled out. That's right you have six troop units to grab objectives. It's also very forgiving Army that's fun to play.

Any thoughts?

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